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Splash paints and go wild
Watch neon glow for 1st time

Craving an escape from the mundane? Dive into exhilaration in our paint room – an extraordinary adventure where every paint is a stroke of happiness!

Open now in Spash n Paint Room Bangalore: Near South End Circle Metro Station

Forget the brushes; here, your hands, feet, and even splatter tools become the instruments of your creativity. Surrounded by walls that beckon for your touch, floors that are a canvas awaiting your imprint, and an array of colors that promise to brighten your mood, the paint room is where you can freely express yourself without boundaries.

Unleash Creativity, Have Fun

For the first time in Karnataka

Pick a gun / squirt bottles / water balloons, roam around in 2 stairs painting color on your friends and walls. You get to take a canvas home as a memory.

Stress Relief

Unleash your emotions in a physical and visceral way. Express feelings of frustration, anger, or even joy in a safe environment with various colors to lighten up.

Amazing Memories For Life

Enjoy a unique fun experience that lets you bond with friends, family and even strangers in a shared experience that brings your world alive.

Better Health

Move around, splatter colors, dodge people, explore the space. This releases endorphins, elevates your mood, and enhances your overall health.

Boost Self-Esteem Beyond Conventional Art

Embrace your unique style and creativity in a judgment free space where you can do anything. This helps in fostering a positive self-image.

Simple Affordable Pricing

Click on your preferred package to check the available time slots. Reserve your time slot quickly before someone else buys it. This is introductory pricing and it will increase on 10th May 2024.


₹ 500 per person

Per Person: 1 colorglow squirt bottle of 750 mL, 1 palettepop spray bottle of 500 mL, 4 papers, gloves and footcover

Who is it for?
A trial plan

🚀 ideal for first-timers
🚀 have fun throwing things
🚀 relaxed plan to get the flavor


₹ 1399 per person

Per Person: One 4×6 canvas, 3 colorglow squirt bottles of 750 mL each, 3 color cauldrons of 300 mL each, 3 canvas cups of fluid paint of 30 mL each, 2 tincturetube bottles of 100 mL each and 1 palettepop spray bottle of 500 mL, 6 papers, gloves, bodycover, shoe cover and haircap

Who is it for?
The best ideal plan

🚀 perfect for couple dates, group parties
🚀 100% stress relief and super fun guaranteed
🚀 make incredible memories


₹ 500 per person

Per Person: 1 colorglow squirt bottle of 750 mL, 1 palettepop spray bottle of 500 mL, 4 papers, gloves and footcover

Who is it for?
A trial plan

🚀 ideal for first-timers
🚀 have fun throwing things
🚀 relaxed plan to get the flavor


₹ 1399 per person

Per Person: One 4×6 canvas, 3 colorglow squirt bottles of 750 mL each, 3 color cauldrons of 300 mL each, 3 canvas cups of fluid paint of 30 mL each, 2 tincturetube bottles of 100 mL each and 1 palettepop spray bottle of 500 mL, 6 papers, gloves, bodycover, shoe cover and haircap

Who is it for?
The best ideal plan

🚀 perfect for couple dates, group parties
🚀 100% stress relief and super fun guaranteed
🚀 make incredible memories

Need bulk booking?

More than 6 people for corporate / birthday parties? Want vouchers for your employee benefits?

On a mission to bring balance and joy in the lives of Bangaloreans

We want you to leave Paint Room feeling a positive buzz and with a smile on your dial. There’s nothing quite like the feeling – those who know, know. You’ll walk out of the experience with once-in-a-lifetime memories with your gang. 

More about Paint Room Bangalore

Discover the Colorful Adventure of Paint Rooms in Bangalore


Welcome to the vibrant world of paint rooms, splatter rooms, and neon paint rooms in Bangalore! In a city that’s always on the lookout for innovative and interactive entertainment, these colorful experiences offer a unique blend of creativity, fun, and uninhibited expression. Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a thrill-seeker, or simply someone in search of a new adventure, the diverse array of paint, splatter, and neon paint rooms in Bangalore promises an unforgettable journey into the world of color and imagination.

The Rise of Creative Entertainment in Bangalore

Bangalore, a city known for its dynamic blend of technology and culture, is always on the forefront of embracing innovative forms of entertainment. Amidst the tech startups and bustling cafes, there’s a growing trend for unique, hands-on experiences. Paint, splatter, and neon paint rooms have emerged as frontrunners in this creative revolution, offering a novel way to engage with art and entertainment. They serve not just as a mode of expression but as a testament to the city’s ever-evolving cultural landscape.

What are Splash, Splatter, and Neon Paint Rooms?

At their core, paint and splatter rooms offer an opportunity to hurl paint in a room designed for mess-making, while neon paint rooms take the experience a notch higher with glow-in-the-dark paints under UV lights. These spaces are not only about unleashing your inner artist but also about the joy of playing with colors in an uninhibited environment. Each venue provides protective gear, ensuring that participants can let loose without worrying about the cleanup afterward.

Discovering Splatter Rooms in Bangalore

Splatter rooms in Bangalore take the art of mess-making a step further by encouraging group participation. It’s a popular choice for team-building events, birthday parties, and even unconventional date nights. Each session transforms into a symphony of laughter, color, and creativity, proving that art is indeed a process rather than just an outcome. When searching for a splatter room experience, look for venues that offer group packages and special events for an added twist to your colorful adventure.

Neon Paint Rooms: A Bright Adventure in Bangalore

Neon paint rooms are where the magic of color meets the allure of the night. Armed with neon paints and under the glow of UV lights, participants can create glowing artworks on canvas, walls, or even on each other. This experience is particularly mesmerizing and makes for fantastic photo opportunities, ensuring that your memories of the adventure are as vivid as the paints themselves. Venues offering neon paint experiences often recommend wearing white or light-colored clothes to maximize the glow effect.

Planning Your Visit

Before diving into this colorful escapade, a little planning can go a long way. Booking your session in advance is highly recommended, as these unique experiences are in high demand. Most venues provide protective gear and materials, but it’s wise to inquire ahead about anything specific you should bring. Embrace the spirit of spontaneity and creativity, and remember, the goal is to have fun and make memories.

Benefits of Experiencing Paint, Splatter, and Neon Paint Rooms

Beyond the sheer joy of throwing paint around, these experiences offer a range of benefits. They serve as a creative outlet, helping individuals tap into their artistic side in a stress-free environment. Moreover, participating in such activities can enhance teamwork, communication, and foster a sense of community among groups. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to break the monotony of daily life, paint, splatter, and neon paint rooms offer a unique blend of entertainment and personal expression.

Here are the top benefits of spending time in a paint room, illustrating why this innovative concept is capturing the hearts of so many.

1. Fosters Creativity and Self-Expression

One of the most significant benefits of a paint room is its ability to foster creativity and self-expression. In a world where rules often govern our lives, a paint room serves as a canvas with no boundaries. Whether you’re an experienced artist or someone who’s never held a paintbrush, the environment encourages you to express yourself freely. The act of painting paint without a set plan or objective allows for spontaneous creativity, helping to uncover new ways of thinking and artistic expression.

2. Provides a Unique Stress Relief

The therapeutic benefits of art are well-documented, and paint rooms take this to the next level. The physical act of throwing paint and seeing it splatter in an array of colors can be incredibly stress-relieving. It’s a form of physical exercise that releases endorphins, the body’s natural stress-relievers, making you feel happier and more relaxed. In a paint room, you’re not just creating art; you’re throwing your worries away with each paint of paint.

3. Encourages Mindfulness and Presence

In our digital age, where distractions are a constant, paint rooms offer a rare opportunity for mindfulness. The focus required to create and the physical involvement pulls you into the present moment, offering a break from the digital screens and endless notifications. This mindfulness, the state of being fully present and engaged in the now, has been shown to reduce stress and increase overall well-being.

4. A Novel Way to Enhance Social Connections

Paint rooms also provide a novel social experience. Participating in a group session, whether with friends, family, or coworkers, can strengthen bonds and encourage teamwork in a fun, low-pressure environment. It’s a shared adventure that fosters laughter, communication, and a sense of unity, making it an ideal activity for team building, celebrations, or simply making new memories with loved ones.

5. Cultivates a Sense of Achievement

Finally, the experience of creating something in a paint room, no matter how abstract, can cultivate a sense of achievement. Completing a piece of art, especially in the liberating context of a paint room, can boost self-esteem and provide a tangible reminder of a moment where creativity knew no bounds. This sense of accomplishment is invaluable, reinforcing the belief in one’s abilities and the joy of creation.


Paint rooms represent more than just a fun activity; they are a sanctuary for creativity, stress relief, mindfulness, social bonding, and personal achievement. By providing a space where you can freely express yourself through the vibrant language of paint, paint rooms offer a unique blend of benefits that cater to both the mind and the soul. So, if you’re looking for a way to break free from the mundane, consider the transformative experience of a paint room. It’s not just about the art you create; it’s about the journey of letting go, diving into the moment, and discovering the vibrant palette of your own creativity.